Evan Wen wins the Les Petits As playoffs, qualifies for Les Petits As – Le Mondial Lacoste in January 2018.

“So much of the training over the last year was apparent when adversity hit or the pressure of the moment did not produce the best tennis and Evan was able to sort through the situation with a response that gave him advantages. This usually happened during times where advantages were not apparent.
In a day where coaches spoon feed information, protect kids and never allow them the opportunities to push through adversity so kids “feel comfortable” training, creating a culture that does not produce champions, instead creates low hanging fruit – Thank you Clay for allowing us to train in an unpopular way and thank you to all the coaches at Centercourt who sacrificed for an unknown.”

Randy Bloemendaal
Senior Director, Performance Academy
Centercourt Tennis Academy

From 30th October to 3rd November 2017 the 16 best American boys and girls 14 and under, competed to qualify for the world championship Les Petits As – Le Mondial Lacoste in January 2018.

The 12 best American players based on USTA Ranking were automatically qualified for Les Petits As – USA Playoffs Lacoste, Evan Wen of Centercourt Tennis Academy NJ was one of them. Today we are very excited to announce that Evan went on to win in the final round, defeating John Kim 7-6, 7-5.

I believe excellence breeds participation and look forward to seeing even more growth and success for Evan. This is a team effort and testament to Evan’s hard work and the hard work, support and direction of his team of coaches at Centercourt Tennis Academy.
Thank you all for your efforts and dedication to growing American Tennis and to making us the hallmark of world tennis once again.

Clay Bibbee
CEO+Managing Partner
Centercourt Club+Sports

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